mercredi 20 juillet 2011

Google Now Activates 550,000 Android Devices Daily

Amalya | July 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Only a couple of weeks ago we wrote that Google activated 500,000 Android devices daily, and now Google CEO Larry Page announced during Google Q2 2011 conference call that the number of Android smartphone activations has grown to 550,000 daily!

According to Google’s officials, there are now over 400 devices based on Android worldwide and the number of subscribers is more than 135 million.

So Android already dominates on the smartphone market and beats even Apple with its iOS. However, the situation is not the same with the app market where Apple still manages to dominate: While the Android Market can boast only 6 billion downloads and 250,000 applications, the App Store offers 425,000 applications and has 15 billion downloads.

Android has been the leader in the smartphone market in the U.S. and even worldwide for several quarters already, and the fact that more and more Android devices are activated daily and weekly makes me think that Google’s OS will continue leading the market, at least in the nearest future. And most likely very soon the Android Market will catch up to Apple’s App Store, too.

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