mardi 4 février 2014

Private PaaS offerings: Benefits, challenges, best practices and more

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Learn how private Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings can help address security and governance concerns, empower mobile workers, and improve the overall cloud experience.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is still catching up to its bigger, better-known colleagues, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
"Without any doubt, use of PaaS is growing," Yefim Natis, vice president and distinguished analyst at Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner Inc., has said. But, he says, there's still plenty of confusion about exactly what PaaS is and what it's supposed to do.
This guide will eliminate some of that confusion -- particularly about private PaaS. This collection of content defines PaaS and offers expert advice on choosing the right private PaaS offering, as well as using private PaaS to empower mobile employees and address enterprise governance and cloud security concerns. This guide includes a couple of expert podcasts with additional information and a quiz to test your PaaS knowledge.


1. A closer look at private PaaS offerings

Learn why and how to use PaaS and how it differs from private PaaS. Experts share their knowledge on private PaaS offerings. Learn how to manage mobile devices in the workplace and how best to maintain security with PaaS.


2. Working with PaaS and cloud

In these podcasts, get insights on PaaS, IaaS and cloud from experts in the field. Watch and learn as four members of ActiveState discuss PaaS. Find out about the strengths and limitations of converging IaaS and PaaS.


3. Test your PaaS knowledge

Take this quiz on Platform as a Service and see how extensive your knowledge is about the topic.


4. PaaS glossary of knowledge

Brush up on your knowledge of PaaS and cloud services. This glossary section provides links to all sorts of definitions and related articles that give a background on terms related to 'as a Service' offerings.

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