dimanche 16 février 2014

Is the wearable device the next move for your enterprise?

A lire sur: http://searchcio.techtarget.com/news/2240212654/Is-the-wearable-device-the-next-move-for-your-enterprise

Emily McLaughlin, Associate Site EditorPublished: 16 Jan 2014

Wearable technology devices have been the talk of the town lately in IT, especially in light of recent tech unveilings at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this month. These new technology gadgets -- including Google Glass, Nike FuelBand, Fitbit, the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch and others -- have consumers googly-eyed, but what role will wearables fill in the business sphere?
Some are declaring wearables overhyped and dismissing them as consumer-only products, but some of these devices show promise for both enterprise and SMB organizations. For starters, wearable tech has already been incorporated into some organizations' employee-wellness programs. Now, the challenge is determining whether the wearable device is up to more work-focused tasks.


CES 2014 warns CIOs about wearable tech
Enterprise CIOs scheming over IoT and wearables
Join SearchCIO Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 3 p.m. EST to discuss the implications of wearable technology on CIOs and the enterprise as a whole. Topics we might cover: the influence of wearables on bring your own device programs, the security repercussions, the big data implications and the changes in how businesses interact with their customers.
Blogger Simon Jones will join SearchCIO as guest expert. Jones is head author at WearableTechWatch.net, the leading independent blog on wearable technology, reporting on trends and looking through the hype around smart wristbands, glasses and watches. TechTarget Associate Site Editor Emily McLaughlin will lead the event from SearchCIO's Twitter handle, @searchCIO. TechTarget writers, editors and contributors will participate, joined by our Twitter followers and others interested in the impact of the wearable device on the enterprise.

Event details:

Date: Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014
 3 p.m. EST
 Use and follow #CIOChat (additional hashtags include #wearables, #smartglasses, #smartwatch, etc.)
Is this your first #CIOChat? No problem. Here are the must-knows:
  • To follow the conversation, type "#CIOChat" into Twitter's search bar. From this new page, click "All" to view tweets in real time.
  • Your first #CIOChat tweet should be introductory, including your name, title and organization.
  • @SearchCIO will pose a series of questions to participants starting at 3 p.m. EST (Q1, Q2, etc.). In your tweeted responses to each question, please preface with A1 (Answer 1), A2, and so on, then remember to include "#CIOChat." Each question will follow the wearable technology theme.
  • Be aware that Twitter allows only 140 characters per tweet. You are welcome to tweet multiple responses to each question.
  • Throughout the discussion, retweet (RT) and favorite tweets you concur with and reply to those you disagree with.

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