dimanche 29 décembre 2013

Counting down the top cloud computing vendors of 2013

A lire sur: http://searchcloudcomputing.techtarget.com/photostory/2240210432/Counting-down-the-top-cloud-computing-vendors-of-2013/1/Eight-cloud-computing-service-providers-that-stood-out-this-year

Eight cloud computing service providers that stood out this year

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top cloud computing companies race for first placeSOURCE: kevron2001/Fotolia
This year has been all about drawing enterprises into cloud computing. As such, this list showcases which cloud computing vendors were successful in this goal.
With acquisitions, product releases and announcements aimed enterprises, it's clear these cloud vendors are making the effort to reign supreme in the market and entice the most companies. It should be no surprise to many cloud experts and professionals which vendor is at the top, but the more interesting story is which cloud computing service providers show the potential to push their way to the top to unseat the king.

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