dimanche 7 juillet 2013

What to expect at Nonprofit Mobile Day 2013

A lire sur:  http://www.mobilecommercedaily.com/what-to-expect-at-nonprofit-mobile-day-2013-6

July 5, 2013
Donate on mobile
Executives from the Museum of Modern Art, The Humane Society and American Red Cross and more will discuss how their organizations are using mobile to drive marketing and fundraising efforts during the fourth annual Nonprofit Mobile Day.
In addition to presenting a look at the how the individual organizations use mobile, the event will give attendees best-practice steps in implementing a holistic strategy around SMS, mobile Web and applications. The event is a presentation of Napean’s Mobile Commerce Daily and the DMA Nonprofit Federation.
“Mobile is critical to the future of nonprofits and charities as more and more of their donors and prospects turn to smartphones and tablets for consumption of news and advertising and marketing,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily, New York. “Donors are also more open to responding to fundraising overtures via mobile, thus giving nonprofits another avenue to raise awareness and funds for the causes they support.
“Mobile Commerce Daily’s parent Napean founded Nonprofit Mobile Day to help nonprofits understand the ins and outs of mobile for marketing and fundraising purposes, and the partnership with the DMA Nonprofit Federation over the years has served attendees well,” he said. “This edition will maintain the standards of previous years’ events, with the goal of ensuring that delegates walk away with ideas, best-practice tips, case studies and potential partnerships. Mobile is now an integral component of the marketing mix, as smart nonprofits executives are realizing.”
Give on mobile
Nonprofit Mobile Day will take place on July 16 at the Direct Marketing Association Seminar Center located at 1120 Avenue of the Americas on the 13th floor.
Executives from the following companies will present at the event: American Red Cross, Better Business Bureau, Thirteen/WNET, Mobile Giving Foundation, League of Young Voters Education Fun, MoMA, and The Humane Society.
Additionally a sponsored lunch session will be presented by Sumotext.
A panel session consisting of executives from GiveByCell, MGood and Urban Airship will discuss the opportunities and challenges that nonprofits face with using mobile for outreach.
Please click here to learn more about the event.
Below, some speakers weigh in on why mobile is critical for nonprofits and what attendees can expect at the event.
Lara Koch, mobile communications manager at The Humane Society of the United States
Mobile is important for anyone who has a Web site – person, charity, retail or restaurant. It’s not even a question any longer. Users just don’t want a seamless, optimized experience on every device they use – they expect it, and if they don’t get it, they won’t stay on your site. For nonprofits, we need to be accessible to a person whenever they want to learn about our issues and take action for them. That means mobile is a given.
Nonprofits are in a unique position when it comes to mobile optimization. Just when users were moving over to smartphones – 2007, 2008 – the economy was causing many nonprofits to tighten their belts. Users were mobile long before nonprofits began to embrace the technology. So there’s been a lot of – and there continues to be – a lot of catching up to do. But we’re getting there.
Craig Oldham, vice president of digital engagement at American Red Cross
Mobile traffic and commerce is increasing at double-digit rates. That means more and more of our constituents are going to expect a mobile donation and experience as a part of our overall digital experience. We have to start thinking about mobile first as we design our digital interactions. For the American Red Cross, our mission is mobile from training life-saving skills, to disaster relief to mobile blood drives.
We need to be thinking of mobile not just on its own but within our entire digital landscape. How do our online, on-site, mobile and app experience relate to each other? Are we talking to particular audiences through specific programs on specific devices, or are we creating broad, integrated experiences that cross over devices? We can’t just jump into mobile without thinking of it within the broader context of our overall digital and organizational strategies.
I’m interested in hearing about all of the creative solutions that different types of organizations have come up with for a variety of topics or challenges. A museum may have different goals than a relief charity, but we can still learn a lot from each other in terms of approaches, successes and even our failures. I’m particularly interested in hearing how different organizations have used mobile to reach a new or expanded audience.
John Styers, executive vice president at Sumotext
Mobile isn’t important, it’s critical to the development of an ongoing, meaningful dialogue with the donor population. Encouraging donor awareness of the cause, of local activities, of issues relevant to the NPO; all contribute to effective ongoing outreach. While email, direct mail, TV, outdoor and print all have a specific value in reaching certain donor sub populations, only mobile can reach 90 percent-plus of the donor population in a matter of seconds. This can be crucial when time sensitive fund raising may be required.
Jim Manis, founder/CEO of BBB Mobile Giving Foundation
The mobile channel should be considered a top priority as a primary means to acquire, engagement, transact and retain. These attributes make for a very powerful medium. It also has the greatest audience reach of all channels combined with the added value of ubiquitous use by the charity’s target demographic. There is no question that a charity needs to adopt mobile as part of their broader plans. Mobile continues to grow and provide the most cost-effective channel for donor engagement.
There are a variety of topics that I hope are discussed at the conference, but I think most helpful will be how charities can optimize mobile giving campaigns with ROI, how to create effective cross-channel promotions, the importance of establishing and maintaining trust and integrity with your donor by following clearly-defined standards.
Final Take
Lauren Johnson is associate reporter on Mobile Marketer, New York

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